CHN Newsletter Autumn/Winter 2022
CHN Newsletter Summer 2021/22
CHN Newsletter Spring 2021
CHN Newsletter Winter 2021
CHN Newsletter Autumn 2021
CHN Newsletter Summer 2020/21
CHN Newsletter Winter/Spring 2020
CHN Newsletter Autumn 2020
CHN Newsletter Summer 2019/20
CHN Newsletter Spring 2019
CHN Newsletter Winter 2019
CHN Newsletter Autumn 2019
CHN Newsletter Summer 2018/19
CHN Newsletter Spring 2018
CHN Newsletter, Winter 2018
CHN Newsletter Autumn 2018, with History Supplement.
We explore the idea of CHANGE, a pertinent thought as the Sisters move into their new convent and make available Community House and buildings as the new CHN Spirituality Centre. Also, featuring the stories behind the unique Creation tapestry and the cherished Calvary Garden Crucifix.
And there's a supplement too - a History of CHN, since 1888, incorporating the Mission to the Streets and Lanes.
And there's a Supplement too. CHN's history, looking back since its beginnings in 1888, up to the present day. Incorporating some interesting historical photographs.