Dennis Mills September 17, 2021 CHN Prayer Aids, Prayer Aids, CHN, CHN Melbourne, Community of the Holy Nam As I continue my journey, March 2020 Dennis Mills September 17, 2021 CHN Prayer Aids, Prayer Aids, CHN, CHN Melbourne, Community of the Holy Nam Click on image to view and/or download. What is God's plan and purpose for our life journey? How do we respond to his loving care and guidance?
Dennis Mills April 7, 2019 CHN, CHN Melbourne, CHN Prayer Aids, Community of the Holy Nam, Prayer Aids Trusting in God, March 2019 Dennis Mills April 7, 2019 CHN, CHN Melbourne, CHN Prayer Aids, Community of the Holy Nam, Prayer Aids Click on image to view/download. Can we really entrust ourselves to God and not depend on anything else?